26 July, 2024
Google Fiber

Google Fiber is teasing a speed upgrade to 20Gbps

In a blog post published on Tuesday, Google Fiber CEO Dinni Jain stated that the business is testing the 20Gbps speeds in Kansas City, where it has been providing service to residents for the previous ten years.

Jain shared a screenshot showing download speeds at Saporito’s home hitting 20.2Gbps and stated, “This month, we pushed our testing out of the lab and into the home, starting with our first trusted tester, Nick Saporito, the Head of Commercial Strategy for GFiber.”

Google Fiber Speed Test

Currently, Google Fiber can offer 1Gbps and 2Gbps internet speeds. Jain claims that the business is, however, “already closer than you might believe” to offering even greater speeds.

“We’ll be making announcements in the upcoming months that will significantly expand our multi-gigabit tiers. These will be significant turning points on our path toward 100 Gigabit Symmetrical Internet, the author claims.

The announcement comes as Google Fiber is getting ready to expand into Arizona, Colorado, Nebraska, Nevada, and Idaho, among other US states. Additionally, it intends to expand its footprint in current markets.

When it came to our Fastest ISP honors in 2016 and 2017, Google Fiber was the ISP to beat. The service’s expansion plans were temporarily put on hold as a result of a restructure, which has caused a delay in recent years.

It appears like Google Fiber is trying to reclaim some market share. Other internet service providers have started working on 2, 5, 8, and even 10Gbps speeds, according to Jain’s blog post. Every significant US provider appears to have now gotten the gigabit memo, and things will only get better from here, he claims.

What will be the price of Google Fiber 20Gbps

One significant unknown is the price of 20Gbps. The 1Gbps plan for Google Fiber costs $70 per month, while the 2Gbps tier costs $100. These speeds should be sufficient for most customers.

At the moment, Jain asserts that “just being fast” (even the fastest) is insufficient. It concerns all facets of offering customers multi-gig service, including cost, worth, simplicity, and product dependability.

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